Research on equity in STEM indicates that a student who isn’t a cis, white, heterosexual man may encounter a range of forces that lead them away from their intended academic or career path. These forces are systemic and have been in play throughout a scientist’s or engineer’s life but are just a part of the STEM experience. 

WISE was founded in order to help change the experience of women and non-binary individuals in STEM so that they feel more included, have the skills they need to thrive in their academics and careers, and develop the skills they need to work together to create more equitable STEM environments. Our programs are designed for women and non-binary students but are open to students with any gender identity. You can learn more about how WISE can support you by exploring our resources pages.

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Are you looking to join WISE?

We have two ways to get involved at the start of the school year. Applications are currently closed.

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