About WISE

WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) is a staff-led office that is working to fix the gender inequities in STEM at the University of Michigan. Although gender-minoritized individuals are earning STEM degrees from U-M at greater rates than we’ve seen in the past, there’s still lots of room for improvement. A core part of our work is to nurture a campus wide community of faculty, staff and students that work together to ensure all women and non-binary students and postdoctoral scholars at U-M have the support they need to thrive in STEM. Our programs are designed for girls, women and non-binary individuals but are open to all.

WISE Partners

Equity work can’t be done in isolation. Although WISE was founded with a focus on gender-equity in STEM, we know that gender-equity will only be achieved when society has overcome racial and economic inequality (among others). In recognition of this, we know our work must be done holistically, considering all of the social identities and life experiences of our students. And, we know that partnerships will be key to achieving STEM equity. WISE collaborates with units across campus for many of our events but has deep partnerships with the units below.